
유일한 개발자 기반 오픈 소스 관리 플랫폼인 FOSSA는 가장 광범위한 라이선스 인벤토리와 취약점 데이터베이스를 보유하고 있습니다. 

기존 CI/CD 파이프라인과의 완전한 통합은 SDLC 초기에 더욱 완전하고 지속적인 가시성과 실행 가능한 통찰력을 제공합니다.

기존 워크플로에서 바로 OSS 문제를 감사, 분석, 제어 및 해결할 수 있습니다.


  • 오픈소스 SW 의 실시간 보안 취약점 관리
  • 프로젝트의 오픈소스 스캔과 분석을 통한 자동화된 오픈소스 라이선스 관리 솔루션
  • 프로젝트의 개발단계에서부터 테스트 , 감사 단계까지 적용 가능한 오픈소스 통합 관리 시스템
  • 소프트웨어 공급망 SBOM 출력 및 관리

Open Source License Compliance

Best-in-class license compliance with comprehensive dependency inventory and audit-grade reporting.

Complete Open Source Inventory

Get an accurate and precise scan of all code dependencies and third-party licenses

  • Audit-grade inventory of open source licenses across direct and transitive dependencies

  • Visibility into a variety of embedded, hidden, and declared OSS licenses in the source code

  • Detailed metadata information including license text, copyright info, and licensing obligations

  • Concrete usage, linkage, and root cause identification that cut false positives by 85%

Open Source Vulnerability Management

Automate application security with open source vulnerability management built for the enterprise

Open Source Vulnerability Scanner

Prevent vulnerabilities from entering the code base with end-to-end curated data

  • Minimal false-positives from a well-curated, updated, and accurate vulnerability database

  • License and vulnerability identification for Docker and OCI images

  • Shift left your security posture with our IDE integration

  • Notifications and alerts through Slack, JIRA, or email when new vulnerabilities are added

  • Realtime security stats and status via FOSSA's Vulnerability API

Best-in-Class SBOM Management

Strengthen software supply chain transparency and security with software bill of materials (SBOM) management from generation to import.

FOSSA SBOM Features and Capabilities

  • Supports CycloneDX and SPDX; exceeds U.S. government minimum SBOM requirements

  • Utilizes multiple techniques — beyond just analyzing manifest files — to produce an audit-grade component inventory

  • Integrates locally and/or with VCS (GitHub, GitLab, etc.)

  • Has comprehensive language and ecosystem support

  • Can be customized for a range of security, regulatory compliance, and license compliance use cases 

  • Generate SBOMs for any prior version of your software, not just the current one

  • Doesn’t require source code access

Support Language